The Option of Aging In Place For Seniors

The Option of Aging In Place For Seniors
February 26, 2021 0 Comment Category: Respite CareAging in place is an expression used to relate to staying in the solace of your own home even when you are older. This can be a viable option if you need only minor help with daily activities of living and can make use of the right home care services, and have a close network of family nearby. By understanding the services available in aging in place, you can better decide if it is a suitable option for you to ensure independence and to make the most out of your golden years.
How Can Home Care Services Help You Age In Place?
Most of us will need care assistance in one form or the other after the age of 65. If you do not approve of the idea of moving to an assisted living facility, a skilled nursing home, or a retirement community, then home care services can be a good choice for you. Home care services offer:
Household Maintenance
It takes much work to keep a household running. Aging can make it hard to keep up and you can find laundry, gardening, shopping, handyman, and housekeeping services to help you keep up with the demands of the household. Moreover, financial and healthcare management services are also available if you are finding it difficult to stay on top of medical appointments and bills.
Home Modifications
Home modifications will be necessary if your mobility is becoming limited with age. These modifications can go a long way in ensuring that your current residence is accessible and comfortable. Some of the most common home modifications can include ramps, and grab bars in the shower, etc.
Transportation can be a big problem for older adults. You might find it hard to drive when you age, or you may not be able to drive at night. Having access to senior transportation services can help maintain your social network and prolong your independence.
Day Programs
Adult daycare can help seniors keep themselves busy with various activities during the day. These services can provide a break to the caregivers. Some of the adult day care programs are social, while some others offer limited health services or specialize in caring for some of the disorders like Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Personal Care
Personal care services offer to help with activities of day-to-day living. This is also called custodial care services and health aides can offer custodial care services ranging from a few hours to around-the-clock care.
Contact Horizon Recuperative Care to learn more about our services.
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